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- Unlock your confidence power| King's Confidence
Unlock your confidence power| King's Confidence
Unleash Your Inner Confidence: Reign Like Royalty

How to Unlock Your Confidence Power| King's Confidence
Heroes are always late to the show, but the monsters attack first.
Most people in life have lost sight of the bigger picture.
Most have lost their heroes. Not heroes in the general sense, but in the old-school sense.
One Punch Man is a comical anime about a man who trained so hard that he accidentally became a superhero. He lives in a world where monster attacks are the norm and heroes are a commodity, a brand.
The ordinary citizens in One Punch Man aspire to be like their heroes. This gives them a sense of purpose, a sense of hope.
Hope breeds confidence.
This is what the classic hero archetype used to be. Someone (seemingly) a cut above the rest, based on the merits of their character and what they’ve done. A poster boy who inspired the individual on a global scale to be more than they are, and what they could achieve.
To become a King among men.
Someone fully living creatively and fulfilled doing all they are capable of.
This is TAO (self-actualization.)
If you notice, children (before society hits them) have this type of unrestrained confidence. They can do anything and everything and life is great. This is why people loved old-school heroes. It inspired the hopeful child within them.
Kid’s have this type of unwavering fortitude before they get older (and their mind gets the best of them.) How do kids act when they’re young?
Like they don’t give a f*ck. Like they’re the cock of the walk and you’re just in their way.
This type of frenzied wild confidence is the extreme end of what most teenagers and ALL adults seek. This is the aura of what old school heroes possessed in spades - in the books, the movies and theatre.
Unfortunately, this type of old-school hero died on Jan 1st 1983 (the official birthday of the internet.)
The creation and accessibility of the internet meant that most people could now reach and “inspire” most people. And as a result = most people became most people.
Drones, droids and mindless zombies engaging in daily rote behaviour without thinking.
This is a huge problem.
The heroes you look up to today are for the wrong reasons - and this is what is causing your downfall.
The hero today performs mukbangs online for clout and clicks.
Money, fame, hot chicks….
This is what you like. This is what I like. It’s normal. It’s harming us - and it’s only getting worse.
Why Humanity is Doomed and How to Come Back from the Brink
Ask your friends Nadir, Nate, Nick, or Ashwin (random names to get your attention) how they feel about themselves, and the answer will likely be -
Or -
“So so.”
This is not a coincidence, and it is a sign of something bigger at play.
A man’s language mold’s his perception of reality.
Most people misunderstand what confidence really is. They think the thing they want and see in the movies is just one thing. But it’s actually a bunch of things working alongside confidence.
Self-esteem is one of them. It is how we value and perceive ourselves. It functions as your “edge.”
Most of the world has now lost its edge. Their once serrated blade that cut through flesh (served with wine) now only cuts through butter (served with toast.)
This isn’t a “the world has gone too soft” article. This is a “the world needs more clarity fast or else…” type of article.
Because the stats prove it.
85% of the world suffers from low self-esteem (link here to Americanbar.org.)
Mental health issues are on the up and up too.
Two of the many reasons for all this are 100% because:
People are lost
Their inner character to persevere is also dogshit.
Most people (you most likely) have lost sight of their aspirations, sense of hope, and purpose within themselves. You now have access to everything, anywhere, all the time.
The map to a better life was once displayed in the heroics of the heroes we looked up to.
The extraordinary among the ordinary.
The Kings among men.
Your hero is now begging for likes, admiration, and emotional adornment. And you’re eating that shit up.
And it’s leading you astray.
And due to common perspectives, fear, or closemindedness, most think the answer to fixing their shit is out there (money, fame, hot chicks.)
They think the formula for happiness and contentment is a 1+1 equation. But it’s not.
The formula for happiness, self-fulfilment or true confidence is a non-linear equation you must solve.
If you don’t, you will end up like the rest of the miserable people in your house, condo, district, and city. Mindless meat sacks waiting for their light to go out.
Thank god, right?
Because what’s worse than death?
Being lost knowing you never truly lived.
But you still can come back from your former life that you and society f*cked up for you. To gain back what you once had as a kid, what old school heroes once had that allowed them to weather life, death, and overwhelming odds in the face of adversity.
The type of true confidence you REALLY want.
The type of confidence the baby in the stroller you recently passed by had - and doesn’t even know it.
King’s Confidence.
But despite what people think, there is a simple 20-minute framework to get it all back and give you back the faith you lost in your heroes, by giving you the faith needed to become your own hero.
To one day reach TAO.
All content originates from my YouTube channel (here.)

Why Confidence Isn’t What You Think It Is
Confidence for me as a kid was elusive. It was a mysterious thing I had no clue how it worked.
Because I had it…but I didn’t.
I had extreme confidence…in some things. But then COMPLETELY THE OPPOSITE of confidence in so many other things. This meant I regularly went from feeling like a god to feeling like a worthless peasant.
And that was just in a single day.
There was no balance or stability in this. Possessing confidence in one thing didn’t mean shit if other parts of my life were still awful.
If you’re into Ayurvedic medicine, my constitution falls in line more under the “Pitta” category (fiery way of being.) But that’s a whole other tangent…
I assumed feeling confident in life was as fleeting as the stormy winds of Hanuman. It was a volatile thing that was supposed to come and go, right?
Back then I misunderstood what true confidence (King’s Confidence) was.
As mentioned previously, one aspect of King’s Confidence is self-esteem. This overlaps with confidence but is its own thing. And develops and changes over time as a result of life experiences.
Self-confidence can change depending on the situation day to day.
This is why you can have high confidence and low self-esteem (like I did), but it’s hard to have high self-esteem without some self-confidence. This is why confidence is also important to work on because if you don’t believe in yourself even a little bit, you won’t be able to turn your life around in the first place.
Despite my low self-esteem, I still had some faith in myself, which helped me start my transformation process.
Basically, if you don’t wanna end up like old me or most of society right now, it’s more effective to work on both things (self-esteem and confidence) simultaneously - which I’ll show you how easily.
Unlocking King's Confidence: How to Transform Your Life Beyond Expectations
Man is pushed by drives but pulled by values. These values and inner awareness prevent us from being puppets.
There is a reason people like Master Shi Heng Yi (35th generation Shaolin Master) and Marcus Aurelius (most famous Stoic) beat down the idea of “working from within.”
Approaching King’s Confidence holistically will help transcend the very notion of what you think feeling confident REALLY confident is. I speak of this approach in such high regard because I have witnessed and tasted the crumbs of all of this.
And I like what I tasted…
Why this approach works like rocket fuel
In medicine, aetiology (or etiology in U.S.) means the cause of the origin of a disease. Once the aetiology has been found, a precise remedy can then be applied to make the patient get better.
This is why an in-depth analysis of your innate capabilities (along with iteration and refinement) will fundamentally transform your life.
The Buddhist monks, yogis, and stoics all talk about fixing one thing that will fix all other things - the self. Because that is the only thing you truly have control over. This means learning how to refine and leverage your true potential within you makes sense logically.
And these types of people were right all along. They have found the aetiology to fix your life - from where it all began.
The self.
And there is a clear reason for this.
What you do from within will permeate outwards. The reason King’s Confidence is not just about confidence is because of just this. This method is a one-stop shop for fixing 90% of your shit (and I mean that.)
Because we’re not just fixing confidence, we’re fixing so much more on your way to attaining bulletproof confidence.
Does this make sense?
Exploring, uncovering, and gaining back a centre footing on who you are and your capabilities will transform your life past the trivial things you worry about.
You wanna get King’s Confidence to talk to girls? Sure. But if you approach it in the way I accidentally discovered, along the way you’ll realize that true King’s Confidence is about so much more than girls (and I’m the biggest horndog I know.)
I’m going through a lot right now (career, health, goals etc.) but this type of King’s Confidence (that I have merely tasted) provides me with a sort of unwavering belief in myself that I’ll pull through…somehow.
I’m still scared as balls sometimes, but there is this sense of an inner citadel within me. A fortress inside that nothing from the outside can penetrate.
I genuinely can’t tell you enough how amazing and freeing this feels compared to what I felt years ago, compared to how I see others around me.
(I also could be talking outta my ass. But honestly, out of everything I’m going through, I welcome this feeling.)
This type of confidence won’t strip you of your weaknesses, and that’s the point. King’s Confidence is not about fixing the super weaknesses, it’s about figuring out how to leverage your strengths while addressing your weaknesses (if need be) so you can keep on playing the game of life.
But do it with intention, flair and a slight edge of (healthy) cockiness.
Part of being an ethical cheeky bastard.
You Are Not in Control of Your Animal - and how this will help you
Confidence gets a bad rep or is looked over because most don’t know what confidence is. They confuse confidence with vague abstract terms from things they think is overall confidence when really it’s selective confidence.
And ironically, “selective” confidence is really what the definition of confidence is.
If someone was amazing at basketball, you might say they are confident based on how they play, and think this reflects their life. But if they walked out from the stadium into life and crumbled under life’s pressures - would you still think they’re confident?
This is why chasing “confidence” alone doesn’t matter.
Stop letting language be your limiting factor in going after what you want.
People are worrying about buying a cool car when they don’t even know how to put gas in it.
King’s Confidence takes more to have because as I said, it’s about more than confidence, it’s about a mindset based on the things you do to try and achieve that mindset.
A mindset that will free you from your thoughts that don’t help you.

Photo by Rutpratheep Nilpechr on Unsplash
This year I’ve changed how I view my mind. I’ve come to fully realize that the mind is not my friend.
It is not my pet.
I do not own this animal. It has full autonomy.
The mind is a circus animal that you can steer and sway and persuade to go along with your antics once in a while. But ultimately, it is not your friend.
The mind is its own thing, and you’re one bad day away from getting mauled to death by it.
Once you understand how your animal works, you will be able to get it to cooperate with you, as long as you respect it.
How to Cultivate King’s Confidence - 4 Simple Daily Habits
While this might seem like a lot to cover, I’ve figured out a way to get you 80% of the results by doing just a few simple things every day. However, these things that you do are designed to not just get you results but also to get you thinking.
Which might be more important than the results. Here’s why -
I can’t help you gain your version of King’s Confidence, I can only help you get there.
Sometimes to solve a complex answer, the first answer you solve might not be the FINAL answer you’re looking for. It might just be one answer (out of many) to help push you in the direction of finding the FINAL answer.
As I said in the beginning, life’s problems are not linear to solve. This is why you need to get creative, and this is where most people go wrong with this.
This will all make sense in a sec if we look at the field of cognitive neuroscience behind self-reflection and mind-wandering - which contributes to idea generation.
^This is how you can attain King’s Confidence!
To explain simply: There is something in the brain known as the default mode network (DMN). Which is a set of brain regions that get active when you are not focused on anything and your brain is at rest.
This means that in between the game plan that I lay out below on how to achieve true confidence, your big ol brain will start working by itself to try and figure out what you REALLY want on a subconscious level (which no one can do but you…and maybe a therapist.)
Just like you cannot intellectually create motivation and idea generation on a whim, you cannot “find” true confidence, you must cultivate it from within.
And this takes time, effort, and strategy.
-But here’s the thing -
The simple methods I‘ll go over below will get your brain thinking, and in the process, it (not you) will discover what YOU actually want + how to get there = King’s Confidence.
But you never will be able to get to that point unless you take some sort of action.
King’s Confidence Gameplan
As stated life is complex, and it’s not that simple. But with enough introspection and overview (following proven principles of what life is about), the “starter kit” to true confidence will directly and indirectly address 4 areas of your life you must work on, to attain King’s Confidence.
The 4 areas we’ll work on:
Feeling of Belonging
Feeling of Competence
This set of habits I will lay out below follows how I approached meditation almost 1 year ago. In the beginning, I did just 1 minute of meditation per day (yes just 1 minute.) Over time I built this up, took a break here and there (didn't feel guilty about getting off track), and then went back on it.
Now I meditate most days between 20-50 minutes (it’s easy now.) I miss some days, hell sometimes I miss a whole week. Then I get back on it like I never left.
Rinse & repeat.
I feel great, it’s easy, and I’ve seen so much improvement in my life doing it this way.
I make my own rules and consider the bigger picture.
I approached it in this casual way because life is already stressful for me, I didn’t want fixing it to be stressful as well.
This isn’t a Bollywood or Hollywood hardcore training montage, this is real life.
Unlike the uninformed, badasses are strategic with their efforts. You can have what you want in a much easier way. It might take time, it might not be easy, but it’s how you get long-lasting royal results.
You just need some clarity and direction, and the rest will fix itself.
With that being said, I have broken down 4 daily habits that you only need to spend 10-20 minutes on per section daily. You can do more, but you don’t have to.
If you can’t do the full 20 minutes per section - no stress. If you miss a day here and there - no stress.

You make your own rules for how you wanna approach life, just as you forge your own path. The most important thing you should focus on is your perspective. Consider the bigger picture in all of this. This is a life pursuit.
Not being 100% dedicated is to be expected.
Cool your tits.
Everything below will help you cultivate King’s Confidence. And once this happens, you can use your newfound powers to take on life.
4 Habits to practise daily/most days
These 4 habits will fix most of your problems, while your brain works on clarifying what you REALLY want out of life deep down.
The methods below will either help give you the FINAL answer to your problems or will help provide you with one answer (out of many) that will help push you in the direction of finding out what you really want.
And this is when you will begin to attain King’s Confidence.
Devote 20 minutes to each section below (or do as much as you can.)
But don’t go over 20 minutes per each section. Remember, there ain’t no rush with this.
Cool your tits.
-The Steps -
Begin practising self-awareness
Start by regularly reflecting on your thoughts and actions. Incorporate mindfulness exercises or journalling to consciously observe and understand your reactions. This could also mean seeking constructive feedback from others on how they see you (also beneficial for enhancing self-awareness)
Helpful resources you might like can be found here (link to Psychcentral.com)
Get out of your head
This just means stop focusing on the past and future. Start trying to focus on the present moment. Stop listening to music or podcasts when doing dishes or going for walks. Be in the moment (however you wanna do this.) No rules!
Start trying to redirect excessive self-analysis by engaging in activities that promote mindfulness, such as deep breathing or grounding exercises. The point of this is to get used to shifting attention away from overthinking. This is a skill you must practise to get better.
I also would strongly suggest looking into meditation. I do Qigong (which is a movement mediation since I can’t sit still.) I’ll be honest, mediation is the single greatest thing that will be able to help treat 100% of all your problems (I stand by this claim.)
Link here to Psychiatrist Dr. Alok Kanojia’s mental health website “Healthy Gamer” on meditation (known online as "Dr.K.”.)
Train the body to strengthen the mind. This can be any physical activity, weights, cardio, walking etc.
Also, a general rule is to not eat like an asshole and be more mindful of overall health.
If you are a beginner, here is a link to a YouTube video by neuroscientist Andrew Huberman going over the fundamentals of health (very simple.)
Curiosity and Research
Stop mindlessly consuming shit media. Consume with intent. Part of gaining clarity in life is by finding others in the world that inspire you. Cultivate your curiosities by taking a short period out of your day to read, listen, and watch information and media that will enrich your life. Whatever makes you curious, go find information on that, and start looking into it (literally anything.)
A more structured approach could be to find 5-10 mentors (for starters) in a bunch of different fields that you are into and go consume everything they make. Then go consume the people that inspired them. This alone will help provide overall clarity, to help you find your purpose.
Once you do this - question, research, and gain clarity on your mentors and their beliefs. Critically think.
Your mentors are not gods, don’t treat them like that.
How does exploring your curiosities help?
Exploring your interests through consuming rich information (and exploring your mentors) will help explore your means of self-expression, and what it means to express yourself = your confidence in your self-expression also builds your self-confidence.
Google the link between creativity and confidence building, then get back to me if you still disagree with this habit.
Again, I’ve laid out the main things you will be doing in the 4 habits on purpose. If you feel lost or need more context, simply google words like “mindfulness”, “how to stop overthinking”, “why having mentors will change your life”, “how to train the mind” etc.
Use online resources to help you understand why you’re doing what you’re doing. But if you ever get overwhelmed, stop researching, and just follow the 4 habits. And the rest will sort itself out.
No rules.
No stress.
And that’s it.
The myths and tales of the world’s greatest heroes (fact or fiction) did more than what society expected of them. And that’s why they stood out.
The goal with all of this is to act like the fate of the world rests on your shoulders. Not in the overwhelming sense, but to get you in the mindset that what you do matters.
How you live your life matters.
And this starts from within.
One small step at a time.
Let your body be the conduit for the mind’s thoughts. Things must come to you, and then you transmit this onto the page. Become a conduit, not the source.
Attain King’s Confidence through a unique blend of science-based and complementary (proven) alternative medicine, to help fix the one thing so many people overlook-
The mind.
I’m no master, intermediate, or even experienced rookie in all of this.
I’m just curious for more.
To one day attain TAO, and become my own source of inspiration.
Stay Rogue.
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