Instant Intention Mastery: The Surprising Law of Attraction Hack You Need To Know

Unlock instant attraction mastery with a powerful mental framework. Never feel lost again before big events.

In a storm with no end or map in sight, we must rely on The Internal Instrument to guide us through the night.


I was at a bar the other night, covertly sweltering in the Bangkok heat. Gin & Tonic in hand, I did what I do best.

People watch.

Guys. Girls. Guys going after girls. Girls slapping guys etc.

This is nature at play, except one fundamental component has now been added. Something that connects everyone in that bar, and the world.

The thing someone reaches for when the group conversation goes silent. The thing that solo patron sat across from me at that bar grabbed to kill time.

Their phones.

An extension of their internal instrument - their faulty compass.

Horse blinders on.

Mind off.

If we boil it all down, humanity is a product of desire and greed. Most want something out of life but are greedy (aware or not) with how they go about it. People want to communicate their desires, but forget the other half to do with communication -


And relying on tech is only making the problem worse.

The people I saw at the bar want a life worth living but haven’t set out to live like they want it.

What the hell do I mean?

Most people think they want what they think is ideal. And that’s the problem.

They are thinking, and not doing.

Addressing Society’s Root Problem: Cognitive Control

As a kid, my guy friends and I spoke to each other in the filthiest ways (all out of love.) Which worked fine until we ran into the one thing that turned our silver tongues to mush.


The big problem wasn’t that we were nervous (we were), it was that up until then, we unknowingly conditioned ourselves to act in only one type of way -

Very loud and not aware of ourselves.

Our innate charisma might have enticed one or two (if they stuck around us long enough), but this approach scared off most from the jump (including girls.) Making new friends was hard and not intentional.

New connections, romantic, bro-mantic, or otherwise was a slog at best - nonexistent at worst.

This is the state of society today, including those I saw at the bar. Most people struggle to find new connections because they don’t know how to act or communicate properly to get what they want.

Few men will go talk to girls, not listen (truly) and get shut down - and that’s the cream of the crop (believe it or not.)

Most men will be too in their heads and never make a move at all.

I know many like this.

Most people are desperate for connection and think the apps, their friend’s nonsensical advice, or even deeper things like philosophy or religion will help point them in the direction of their dream life (purpose, romance, friendship). But for most, it won’t for 3 reasons.

The same 3 reasons why most people aren’t good with self-study in simple things like fitness and prefer to get a coach (when most training info can be found for free online.) This is because most solutions to life’s problems require people to be disciplined, not lazy, and think outside the box to succeed.

Pop quiz: How do you get a girlfriend? Break it down in detail. I’m actually asking you right now…

Cue ticking clock

Your mind just now likely resorted to all sorts of tactics and complicated steps trying to figure this one out - and that is the problem. Stop thinking. Thinking about thinking won’t land you a girlfriend, a job, or a life worth living if your current one sucks.

Because you already preconditioned yourself to think how you think.

And you’re current way of thinking sucks balls.

Fix your problems by thinking outside the box - by fixing the one thing that will fix everything else (actually.)

The mind.

Trying to fix your life when you’re already at 0 is not easy (for most people.) In a previous article on How to Gain King’s Confidence here, I stated that the mind is not your friend, it’s its own thing. And it won’t always do what you want, it will do what’s easy.

If you want a life worth living, and people around worth having, then achieving that goal won’t be easy. It can be simple, but it will take effort. Effort that could be greatly enhanced by setting your mind right now, before you do anything else.

Because doing this right now will take you 80% of the way there - seriously.

Below I’m going to go over a reliable solution that you will be able to start using immediately, to fundamentally transform your life and help get you 80% of the way there toward achieving your dream life.

Through one simple shift - known as Intention Ignition.

All content originates from my YouTube channel (here.)

Re-Writing Thinking Patterns Can Change Your Life

You need training to drive legally. You should also need training to think “legally.”

Most problems people face would disappear if they figured this and themselves out just a little - by listening.

Once you understand what drives you (or what you can use to drive you), other parts of your life will naturally realign to fit the vision you want. One method to do this is through the art of Intention Ignition (intention setting.)

This could be viewed as a “hack”, but it’s really just a simple mind shift that will save you so much time, energy and worry about attracting positive things to come your way.

Life isn’t a high-octane movie, it’s a slow burn. Choosing a select few simple methods and systems to incorporate into your life (and pay off dividends later) is the name of the game.

Though my attraction model can work immediately, it will also require time and effort (by YOU) for refinement - for you to utilize its full power.

The Basic TAO (self-actualization) Fundamentals One Should Work Towards “Mastery”

  • Habits

  • Goal Setting

  • Systems (to help make decisions, manage knowledge and organize approaches to specific domains in life)

  • Emotional self-regulation

  • Learning/AKA Skill Acquisition

  • Values & Meaning (spiritual/philosophy)

Key: Where Itention Ignition could be placed under

I consider myself quite analytical in nature. I like people-watching because I like studying them. I like talking and have worked on my speaking skills for years - to the point where I would play fake conversations in my head as a kid…Just to give me an excuse to try and speak “cooler.”

I never read books, and have absolutely no idea how I ended up this way.

A lot of things - fitness, fashion, mindset etc. - have come to me from analysing things.

Something I consider to be a gift is also a double-edged sword.

Veer too far off the deep end, and you can quickly go from analysing to overanalysing.

AKA overthinking.

Intention ignition relies on a mechanism similar to how people get over overthinking - by giving the brain real data sets (or experiences) that it can rely on over mental hypotheticals that never seem to end.

AKA exposure therapy.

When you do “the thing” you fear and learn to tolerate it, things like your empathy and learning circuitry in the brain become activated, making the thing easier to deal with or do over time. Not because it gets easier, but because your brain starts relying on real-life past experiences to formulate new overwritten expectations moving forward.

Data sets, ladies and gentlemen - are the key to becoming an unstoppable magnet.

But what if you could preset certain data sets ahead of time?

What if you could preset the fundamentals of attraction every time to attract everyone - even before you meet them?

This isn’t BS. Don’t let your ego prevent you from coming across a potentially life-changing opportunity.

Your ego got you to where you are now…think about that.

Understanding and Leveraging “Magic” with Science

This might all sound like “woo woo” science but it’s not.

If you try to think your way into a better life you’ll fail miserably because you’re relying on thoughts over actions. You still need to take action. But your thoughts should inform your actions.

The right thoughts behind the right actions are when the magic will happen.

This simple method that I’m talking about I discovered by accident through acting. It’s subtle, but its effects are insane. This discovery allowed me to create advanced data sets for myself that had very real and very valuable everyday applications.

I could use it anywhere, on anyone, whenever I wanted, no matter how I was feeling.

I make a lot of jokes, but one thing I am good at is connecting with people. This is because of what I discovered, refined and worked on over time to try and make it become part of me.

It’s not easy, and I still mess up.

But when it works…holy sh*t it feels like a goddamn superpower.

But the reality is that anyone can do this - with some exceptions.

Who can benefit from Intention Ignition:

  • Introverts

  • Extroverts

  • Overthinkers

  • People with anxiety

  • Self-conscious people

Who will NOT benefit:

  • People who do not have discipline

  • Are lazy

  • Are unable to think outside the box

Pros of Intention Ignition:

  • Free

  • Method proven to work

  • Based on science (getting out of your head, goal-oriented actions etc.)

  • Works instantly

Cons of Intention Ignition:

  • Takes effort

  • Takes time

  • Requires you to think

Actual “woo-woo” data on intention setting tells us that to do intention setting right, the intention must come from the heart, something that aligns with your life more deeply.

It should be an aim, purpose, or attitude - not a “boost sales by 25%”.

But when you peel back the layer, intention setting doesn’t just work because it comes from the “heart.” It works (scientifically) because of your brain’s neuroplasticity.

The ability of the brain to form and reorganize connections in response to learning, experiences, or following injury.

Intention setting is just a set or a pair of behaviours you intentionally set before you do something. This means turning off autopilot - forcing you to actually think (scary, I know.)

Coming from the “heart” really just means your desires are now coming from deep within you (they are no longer surface level.) And to pull this off requires you to get deep with yourself.

“Oh no!”

“Oh YES!”

Most people can’t even stand being alone with themselves. And this is the problem.

Let’s briefly apply Intention Ignition in a nightclub:

Average unaware Joe: Goes in hoping for a good night. High chance of disappointment. Even if he ends up having a good time, he won’t know how it happened = non-repeatable results with high certainty of failure. 

Average Joe using Intention Ignition: Pre-determines what they really want in advance, and aligns their mind and actions in achieving that goal. Low chance of disappointment. If he ends up having a good time, he will know exactly how it happened = repeatable results with high certainty of success.

When you set intentions, you are creating a new set of behaviours. You are also physically altering your brain to reshape its neural pathways associated with your new set of behaviours. Instead of your mind wandering off while you bust your ass trying to get results, intention setting will finally align you with your mind 100%.

One body. One mind. No distractions. Full control.

And control in this case doesn’t mean strongarming your mind into submission. It means coercing it to finally cooperate with your ass so life stops being so difficult for you.

In another article I wrote here on hacking life success, I talk about how people are comfortable with their lives. They are not in love with their lives, they are comfortable.

They let life happen to them.

They are not in control - and they aren’t even aware of it.

Intention ignition, woo-woo magic - whatever you wanna call it - all of this is just learning how to drive with your eyes open. The reason this is so controversial is that most people now hide behind easy distractions and do things they don’t even know why they do in the first place.

How many times have you come back home and switched on the telly without any reason to?

Know why you do what you do.

Sometimes If I go into a nightclub, I don’t always set my intentions, and sometimes end up regressing back into average joe.

I said Intention Ignition is simple, not easy.

But whenever I stop following my monkey brain and finally switch “on” -

I suddenly become a magnet chasing lightning.

And this is not because I’m going after someone or something either. I have a set goal for that night, but it’s not what people think - and this is how I will be able to have repeatable results with a high success rate.

And attract almost anyone because of this simple shift. Do less, get more.

It’s not magic.

There are a lot of ways to do this. But there is one base-level method that will be able to take anyone (regardless of their social skills) to a new level. This works and is appropriate in all settings, for anyone.

One system. All results.

Let’s get into it.


Approach Life From an Actor’s POV

When you need to drastically change your life, rely on the funadamentals. Go broad, go basic.

Let’s reflect one more time on what this is all about.

You want a life worth living, you want to more easily attract those who give your life meaning - in business, romance and bromance.

This may or may not be related to the “law of attraction”.

“Whatever consumes your thoughts is what you will eventually get in life.”

Law of Attraction

But who gives a flying f*ck. 

This is about getting real results through sustainable and stress-reduced frameworks using methods that work. I don’t care about the Law of Attraction, I care about what works which is what I’m about to tell you now -because it works.

Intention Ignition is not woo-woo science. Intention Ignition is a form of setting a goal ahead of time for the person you want to be in the upcoming situation. But in a realistic way, similar to acting.

Acting is not acting. Acting is simply to “be.”

If you go into a scene not knowing your character’s intentions, you won’t know how to “be”, even if you say the lines perfectly. And the camera will show this.


Set intentions beforehand. Ask questions like “What is my objective?”, “what am I trying to achieve with this person?”. Doing something small like this before a scene helps give the actor a guiding point (abstract goal) to follow loosely. The actor sets his intentions (his goals) in advance, then drives his intention toward it.

This puts his subconscious to work on helping him get there. His subconscious (thanks to the intentions that he set in advance) now helps inform his body language and subtle emotional cues of what he wants, and then it helps him get there (on autopilot.)

If I told you to go argue with someone in an acting scene you would act one way. But what if I told you to argue with someone in a scene who was convinced that you murdered someone?

In the second example, you would probably act very differently. You would be more careful of your speech, you would scan the other person’s eyes, their voice, pitch etc. You would be on a mission.


Because you’ve been given a rock-solid intention

You must convince them you are innocent.

This intention alone is strong and resonates with you - and this will (subconsciously) inform all your actions without you even doing much, helping you achieve your objective much more easily (proving your innocence.)

This is what actors at the top of their game have learnt to master.

This is the power of intention setting AKA Intention Ignition: A commitment to yourself that’s tied to a purpose, an optimally abstract goal, to orient and guide all your actions into realizing that goal - in the most effective way possible.

Why optimally abstract?

Powerful goals define a desirable state, not the means to get there. You might be more likely to pay $12 for a cocktail at a restaurant, but you’d think twice before paying the same amount for valet parking.

Optimally abstract goals describe a purpose without losing sight of the actions you need to take to reach them (“improve my mental health” is better than “be happy”)

Ayelet Fischbach (author of “Get it Done: The Science of Motivation”)

Intention Ignition is setting powerful goals that are deep because it forces you to give some thought about what you want in advance (taking into account the bigger picture.)

Relying on simple principles (not strict rules) will allow you to see from above what you’re REALLY trying to achieve before going on that romance date, bromance date, or meeting.

This way during the event if you get lost, you will be able to bring your wandering mind back to focusing on what really matters - foundational guidelines that you already set in advance. This will get you out of your own head and allow you to be in the moment…

To still be in the game.

When you set up a system of habits the night before, you’ll notice that it’s much easier to get into “flow” since everything has been taken care of, allowing you to just act without thinking.

Intention Ignition is exactly like this.

Set up your goals ahead of time, put your subconscious to work in advance, and then you’ll be free to live in the moment during the actual moment - without overthinking, fear or anxiety getting in the way.

Your subconscious will be so primed before that romance date, bromance date or meeting that it will ensure that everything you do in that moment will contribute to you getting what you want (whether or not you’re aware of what you’re actually doing.)

Now, instead of just you going after your goals, there will be a second person to help you get there - your mind.

This is real science.

This actually works.

I’ve done this.

There are many ways to do this for life. But I will show you my one-stop-shop method that will help almost everyone begin attracting the life and people they really want - super fast.

Intention Ignition: Compassionate Consciousness Method:

This is for:

  • When you’re too much in your head

  • When you get nervous before that next interview

  • When the girl is giving you mixed signals on a date (and you don’t know what the next right move is)

Rely on these 5 points below. I would suggest memorizing the words and their meanings. Then when shit hits the fan (before or during) you come back to this new baseline centre.

This will change your life.

Compassionate Consciousness Method:

  1. Compassion: Genuinely try to care about others. Feel motivated to help them when they’re not feeling good.

  2. Open-heartedness: Be open and receptive to people without judgment or prejudice. Truly try to get to know them better.

  3. Kindness: Learn to be kind you c*nt. Seriously, act with generosity, and warmth, and make others feel good. Learn to create an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual respect.

  4. Acceptance: Embrace and accept others are they are. Don’t try to change them, or invalidate them, and acknowledge everyone’s unique experiences, perspectives and identities.

  5. Connection: Try to establish meaningful connections with others based on shared understanding, empathy, and mutual support.

The best part about this is that it doesn’t matter how you practise this. Before you had no level of baseline to fall back on during times of confusion. Now you do.

These 5 points to focus on will now give your mind an abstract goal to always be able to work towards. Your thoughts can now focus on the goal, an objective -

So that you’re never lost.

If the conversation with friends or strangers awkwardly dies down, then come back to this baseline. Don’t think, just “do.”

Setting such powerful intentions like acting with “open-heartedness” (however you think that looks like) will instantly transform you, however you practise this method. Over time you will be able to refine and tweak this method to better fit you.

There are no rules.

I have developed a few set mental baselines that I switch out sometimes (since I’ve now been doing this for a while), but the Compassionate Consciousness Method is a time-tested set that works for everything - especially for beginners.

This all might seem silly, but trust me-

NO ONE actively works on shit like this. And no one will know what you’re doing, they will only be able to feel what you’re doing…and they WILL like it.

But all you’re really doing is setting a subtle yet powerful goal in advance to work towards, which can be tailor-made for certain situations or all social encounters in general.

Keep practising until this thought process becomes automatic. You are rewiring/re-training yourself, this will take time and effort.

Supplementary Work to Aid in Intention Ignition

If you want a cheat code that will naturally make you follow all 5 points much more easily, I strongly recommend meditation.

Yes, another “bro” is getting on the meditation bandwagon.

Shut the f*ck up and listen for a sec.

I now have been meditating for almost a year (currently practise every other day between 20-40 mins.)

The meditation effects I’ve felt up until now are batshit crazy.

I feel like I’m on a low dose of drugs 24/7. I feel high.

Boring things are fun, boring people are fun. I can literally listen to someone talk about anything and still genuinely feel interested in what they have to say (even if my mind knows objectively I have no interest.)

I should have done this in school.

I now can much more easily practise any form of Intention Ignition. I feel more joy and happiness in the small things. I feel more for things, people, and ideas.

The only downside is the enhancement of emotional pain. Things affect me more, BUT I can also let them go faster.

The beginning effects of all this came after 3-4 weeks of my meditation practice.

And until that point, I only did 10 minutes a day.

That’s it.

No there isn’t just one, yes anyone can meditate (there are literally hundreds of different types. One will work for you.)

If you’re interested, here’s a link to Psychiatrist Dr Alok Kanojia’s mental health website “Healthy Gamer” on meditation (known online as "Dr.K.”.)

Opening yourself up to to other people (including falling in love) is the key to not just romantic relationships, but career success, mental energy, creativity.

Robert Greene

Fear and love are the only two forces in life.

Learn to understand when you move from a place of fear, and make the intentional switch - to move from a place of love.

Learn to face the place/person/thing you fear to go after what you want.

But come at it from a place of joy, wisdom, and love.

Learn to be your own lighthouse.

To transform your internal instrument into a beacon of hope for other places/people/things to come find you.

This is the only kind of attraction “hack” I want to master.

Stay Rogue.